About the Alumni Network

The True Calling™ Alumni Network is a 3,000 strong and growing network of Professionals, Business Owners, Executives, Entrepreneurs and Students who share many common bonds one of which is to be their best and live their highest and best life.

Members have all completed a True Calling™ Program, which is a requirement for the Network, and they have discovered or are on the path to Discovering their True Calling™.

Over 90% of my clients come from referrals and therefore my Alumni Network is a unique, self actualized and achievement oriented group of individuals.

I am constantly connecting alumni with other alumni for professional or personal reasons and I really enjoy seeing the friendships, ideas, and opportunities that develop from these introductions.

The Alumni Network is international in flavor yet around 85% of the alumni reside in the United States.

The Network is an important service in the True Calling™ program since it serves as a source of referrals and recommendations for my programs.

Alumni also graciously advise and connect clients who are currently in the program thereby providing real time networking.

It is not unusual for my alumni to reconnect with me yearly or every few years to receive a “career tune-up” or make a course correction in their career.

True Calling™ is modeled on long term networks, connections and especially relationships. Just like your family doctor, dentist or accountant we want to be only a call or email away when you need us.